Gdansk Morena


What our kindergarten guarantees:

Expanded teaching program
Two foreign languages
Family atmosphere
Educational program "Clock of 12 values"
Professional staff
Modern education
Package of additional activities to choose from

Extended program TE VIZJA

English language for 5 hours per week plus 1 hour with a Native speaker

3 hours per week of a second foreign language (choose from: French, Spanish, German)

mathematics with LEGO blocks

chess classes

physical education classes – 3 hours per week and the possibility of enrolling a child in swimming pool

educational program “Clock of 12 values”

Extra activities


  • Artistic French
  • German for Kids
  • Storytelling (English)

General development

  • Fairy tale therapy
  • Sensory activities for little ones
  • Cooking
  • Robotics
  • Chess
  • School preparation


  • Fitness for little ones
  • Dance
  • Taekwondo
  • Corrective gymnastics
  • Soccer

Learning foreign languages

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  • English language – 6 hours/week (including 1 hour/week with a Native speaker)
  • learning a second foreign language(choose from: Spanish, French, German)
  • cooperation with the Foreign Languages Study Center AEH in Warsaw​

the nearest date

of Open Days

image girls Open Days banner

Recruitment rules

Online registration
Stage 1
Meeting at a convenient time
Stage 2
Signing the agreement
Stage 3

Unique educational and upbringing space

  • Safe and modern infrastructure
  • Well-equipped classrooms
  • Sports facilities
  • Catering and balanced meals
  • Partnership and communication with parents
  • Interesting educational projects
  • Excursions, outdoor school trips, overnight stays
  • Social actions and initiatives
  • Highly qualified staff
  • Engaging teaching methods
  • School and inter-school competitions
  • Supporting students’ talents and interests

Educational program "Clock of 12 values"

Throughout the entire educational process at TE Vizja, we implement the educational program “Clock of 12 values”, which supports parents in the upbringing process by introducing students to universal moral values – crucial in building satisfying interpersonal relationships and functioning in a civil society. The program is carried out in the form of various engaging activities – games, plays, theatrical performances, or art competitions – whose themes revolve around the successive values depicted on our “clock”. School classes are also equipped with dedicated educational aids related to the program, which is implemented in a form tailored to different age groups and enables the school and parents to follow a coherent and valuable educational path.
TE Vizja Circle of Values

Specialized psychological and pedagogical care

photo opieka psychologiczno-pedagogiczna
At every stage of education, our students are provided with professional support and care in the field of health and psychological prevention. Ongoing observations, consultations, diagnoses, therapies, and workshops are conducted by specialists such as:  
  • pedagogue
  • psychologist
  • speech therapist