Farewell to High School Graduates

On Friday afternoon, April 26, we solemnly ended the 2023/2024 school year in the graduating classes of TE Vizja High School with Bilingual Branches. During the ceremony, the graduates received their graduation certificates and thanked the management, teachers, and their parents for their efforts in their development and education.
Special awards for achievement, for involvement in the life of the school were given to students:
- Agata Malczewska
- Ola Soja
- Daniel Atanasov
- Mattia Cercola
The principal of our high school, Emilia Nagucka, MA, also spoke:
Adulthood is a challenge. At this point you begin your journey to a different, I believe, richer and more authentic life – and to the completion of the education you began 11,000 hours ago. You will finish your education. But I hope you will continue to learn for a long time and in a variety of ways.
Let me repeat: Adulthood is a challenge. What kind of it you will build for yourself – depends only on you.
Bruno Szymanovich and Filip Bialkowski thanked the teachers and management on behalf of all the high school graduates. There was also a moment to reminisce in the form of a slide show of photos from the four years spent within the walls of our High School.
We congratulate all the High School Graduates on their achievements so far and wish them much success in the next stages.